Cross Kick Push Ups.php
A Cross Kick Push Up is an awesome way to train your arms, shoulders, core, legs, agility, flexibility and coordination all at once.
It starts out as a regular push up, but at the end (after you've pushed yourself back up) you turn your body sideways, extend your ipsilateral arm (i.e. if you turned to the left, extend your left arm) and then kick your hand with the opposite leg. Return to push up position, perform a push up, and do the other side. Repeat.
The key to successfully perform a cross kick push up is not to bring your hand to your foot, but to keep your hand still and simply use it as a kicking mitt.
Other push up variations
Regular Push Ups
Clapping Jack Push Ups
Push Up Walks
Shoulder Tap Push Ups
Single Leg Push Ups
Spiderman Push Ups